New Podcasts Coming in January


Virginia Grounds is a speaker, author, Bible Teacher, former radio host, and effective communicator. She has a passion for God’s Word and serving in ministry. Her love for women’s ministry and passion for God’s word have given her success in speaking, teaching and writing for more than 30 years.
Virginia served with her husband in full-time ministry helping to meet the needs of hurting people which motivated her to write her first book, Facing Fears, Quenching Flames, a devotional book for overcoming fear and anger.
Her second book, Rock Solid Trust, trusting God when life is hard, was released last year and is available on Amazon. Her current project is titled, Living Your Glory Story and is a Bible Study of knowing God’s word for sharing your story, also available on Amazon.
She served on the Women’s Ministry Team at her home church for many years, and has written Bible Studies, poetry and devotional books for the purpose of growing women in their faith and teaching life lessons for survival in our world today.
AWSA Certified Coach & Speaker
Certified Professional Publisher
Project Manager, HigherLife Publishing
At Quick Studies Podcast, our mission is to teach and grow in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord helping busy women have access to God's word as they go about their busy lives.
At Quick Studies Podcast, we understand that life is busy and it’s hard to find time to read the Bible and really understand it. That’s why we have created a podcast to help busy women dive deeper into the Bible and its teachings. Our podcast provides detailed and insightful Bible studies and helps women apply it to their everyday lives. We strive to equip women with the knowledge and wisdom of the Lord so that they can grow in their faith, and in turn, be a light to others.
I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you,...
Ephesians 1:16 - 18a (ESV)

Dee Humphrey is a fun-loving bubble of happiness that influences and engulfs others! As long as she gets 10 hours of sleep and you feed her regularly, Dee joyfully speaks the Word of God with her unique spunky sass.
Dee has energetically served the Church in Women’s Ministry for over twenty-four years and has gained intuitive servant-leadership skills. She is passionate about bible exposition, leading women’s bible studies, and discipling others. As a gifted writer and speaker, Dee’s calling is to lead women’s hearts back to the Lord by teaching Biblical truths.
As a Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary graduate student, Dee is pursuing an M. Div. degree in Women’s Ministry and a Master’s in Leadership. Firmly believing all women must utilize their God-given potential to reach the next generation, Dee motivates others to act. She also challenges women to expound upon Scripture and let the Holy Spirit bring the necessary heart change. Her mission is for women to dig deeper into Scripture while nourishing their relationship with the Lord and others.
Dee has resided in Grove, Oklahoma, with her husband, James, for over twenty-five years, and they have two mini-Dees (children now young adults). They also have two-spoiled dogs named Goose and Griffin.